I am unable to do backtesting while I have credits in my account.Getting message about 7 days free trial and Plans
Unable to do backtesting inspite of having credits in account.
I dont use telegram..
Check this ..
Sir, you only have purchased credits you have to use these credits to activate your plan, Please go to profile page click on buy discretionary plan then your plan will be activated, it will not ask for money again
Thanks..Can you check it again ..It is asking me to buy plan while I have 182 credits
HI sir, you get 7 day free trial plan in the simulator and strategy builder (discretionary plan). In simulator and strategy builder, you can place trades directly from the option chain in the broker. and it cost 400 credits for 28 days and you only have 182 credits you need to add more credits to activate the same
What about Simulator.I have 301 Credit however I am unable to use Simulator for previous days..